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Sarah & Charles — Photo © GRAYSC

Sarah & Charles

The duo Sarah (1981) & Charles (1979) lives and works in Brussels. Since 2004, they have been working on an oeuvre including installations, decors, performance, sculptures and videos. Their work explores topics like perception and identity on the fine line between fiction and reality. It questions the invisible structures and dynamics that shape our lives.


Much inspiration comes from the world of entertainment and its invisible structures. This forms the foundation for enthralling installations in which the spectator is both the subject and the object. What is the role of sets and props? 


Sarah & Charles analyse the mechanisms of storytelling and also show the backstage. They were contracted to design various artworks for the public domain in Belgium. 


Their solo exhibition In The Hands Of Puppets (2019), in which a virtual puppet chats with people with a psychosis, received considerable media attention. The accompanying film was shown in première at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2020.

On display at COME CLOSER

Puppetry & Puppets, 2022

Sculpture, on loan for the Middelheim Museum Collection

No puppet show or puppets to be seen, only the puppet theatre. The sculpture is waiting to be played by you. Without the typical puppets, you can give our own fantasy a free rein. No Punch or Judy, no king, hunter or witch. Feel free to think up your own story and characters. It can create very amusing or very serious theatre. It makes us think about the restrictive rules we set ourselves. 


  • Continuous viewing
  • Touching is allowed!