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Mirror Check, performance Middelheimmuseum - Foto © Tom Cornille

Mirror Check, 1970

Performance, on loan (past)

In 1970, Joan Jonas stood just a few metres from the audience, entirely naked. Carefully, with a small hand mirror, she inspected each part of her own naked body. The spectators saw only the artist, but not what she saw in the mirror. Today, other performers take the place of the 88-year-old artist. As such, Mirror Check is a rare performance in which the artist transfers her role to other (young) women. 

  • 03.08.2024 - 15:15 / 15:30
  • 03.08.2024 - 18:00 / 18:15
  • 04.08.2024 - 13:00 / 13:15
  • 04.08.2024 - 16:00 / 16:15
Mirror Check, performance Middelheimmuseum - Photo © Studio Pramudiya
Mirror Check, performance Middelheimmuseum - Photo © Studio Pramudiya

Practical information

If it rains, the performances will be held in another location. Check the information on site or in the visitors pavilion. Please respect the naked fragility of this performer.


Dounia Dolbec, Mizuki Kori

More about this work

In 1970, Joan Jonas stood just a few metres from the audience, entirely naked. Carefully, with a small round hand mirror, she inspected each part of her own naked body. The audience did not see what she saw in the mirror. They saw only the movements of the artist in relation to her reflection. 

Mirror Check was originally part of the performance Mirror Piece II (1970). Later it became part of other performances and videos. Since 2011, the work has been presented by other performers. They take the place of the artist who is now 88 years old. 

As such, Mirror Check is a rare performance in which the naked artist transfers her role to other (young) women. By using her own body she turns the female body into an art-historic motif. In doing so, stereotypes on femininity are challenged, and potential new identities are explored.

Number 33 on the map.

Park map and walking route

Park map with walking route