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Chloë Bass, The Parts — foto © Léonard Pongo

The Parts, 2020-2021

Sculpture, on loan

Following dramatic social events, Chloë Bass kept snapshots and diary entries. In her artwork, she connects this personal memorabilia with the official announcement. She does this in many ways, both offline and online. Here, her fragments appear as three series of text panels in the open air. They remind us that behind every big historic event there are also very personal experiences. 


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Chloë Bass, The Parts — foto © Léonard Pongo
Chloë Bass, The Parts — foto © Léonard Pongo

More about this work

Chloë Bass kept snapshots and diary entries of memorable events. In her artwork, she connects this personal memorabilia with the official announcement. As such, she reminds us that big historical events are intertwined with intimate human experiences. 

She began the series in 2018 on Instagram and is now exhibiting them in diff erent ways. Here, they appear as three series of text panels in the open air. She also printed the snippets on T-shirts and other clothes, which performers wear while doing a choreography. As such, performers in Bass’ costumes become the interpreters of her personal memorabilia. 

The Parts reflects on the stories we tell about our society. As a sculpture, via social media and in real life. The work is an invitation to stop for a moment at the crossroads between our petty existence and large turning points in society. In an effort to help us deal with the many great crises and relate to the dramatic developments around us.

Numbers 11, 28 and 30 on the map.

Park map and walking route

Park map with walking route