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Temitayo Ogunbiyi — Photo © Temitayo Ogunbiyi

Temitayo Ogunbiyi

Temitayo Ogunbiyi (1984, Nigeria) lives and works in Lagos, Nigeria. The artist is best known for her ‘artistic playgrounds’, that she began making in 2018. In these installations  meandering lines represent the movement of people and the transport routes of materials. She further investigates the relationship between social behaviour and plant behaviour.


Ogunbiyi has won various prizes, including a Graham Foundation scholarship (2022), an Emergency Grant from the Foundation for Contemporary Art (2022) and a Digital Earth Fellow (2020-21). 


Her works can/could be seen in e.g. Museum Tinguely (Basel); HKW (Berlin); Frieze Sculpture Park (London); South London Gallery; Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven); Para Site Contemporary Art Center (Hong Kong). 


She produced a curatorial publication for the 10th Berlin Biennale, and took part in the 2nd Lagos Biennale (2019) and 12th Berlin Biennale in 2022, among others. Ogunbiyi has a BA from Princeton University (2006) and an MA from Columbia University (2011).

On display at COME CLOSER

Vernissage: Temitayo Ogunbiyi

Inauguration + Artist Talk (past)

The artwork You will Find Companionship in Greener Grounds (2024) by Temitayo Ogunbiyi, which is permanently integrated into the site of DE SINGEL as part of the On Sculpture parcours, will be inaugurated with a celebration including a conversation with the artist and a communal meal.

You will make wishes for your neighbor (54 Days), 2024

Performance — 08.06.2024 (past)

Casts of mill stones lay in the grass. Traditionally, these stones were used in Nigeria (the artist's homeland) to grind plants, beans and peppers. They have a ritual meaning too. During a performance, Temitayo Ogunbiyi invites you to touch the stones and in doing so make a wish for someone else. In this way, the work seeks a collective and intercultural future in which we can all participate. 

You will find companionship in greener grounds

Sculpture, new work

Temitayo Ogunbiyi aims to bring attention to less visible cultures in Antwerp. A large stainless steel 'line' represents the walking route between Antwerp and Lagos, where the artist resides. This route connects numerous communities. So does the herb garden, where Flemish crops grow alongside plants from other parts of the world. The smaller play structures are designed specifically for children, our future.


Permanently visible at the art site DE SINGEL.

You will make wishes for your neighbor (54 Days), 2024

Performance — 08.06.2024 (past)

Casts of mill stones lay in the grass. Traditionally, these stones were used in Nigeria (the artist's homeland) to grind plants, beans and peppers. They have a ritual meaning too. During a performance, Temitayo Ogunbiyi invites you to touch the stones and in doing so make a wish for someone else. In this way, the work seeks a collective and intercultural future in which we can all participate. 

You will make wishes for your neighbor (54 Days), 2024

Sculpture, new work

Casts of mill stones lay in the grass. Traditionally, these flat stones were used in Nigeria (the artist's homeland) to grind plants, beans and peppers. They have a ritual meaning too. Temitayo Ogunbiyi invites you to touch the stones and in doing so make a wish for someone else. As such, the work seeks a more collective and intercultural future in which we can all participate. 


Continuous viewing as sculpture